Neža Erjavec

Nessa Art

Neža Erjavec (@nessa._art) is a 31 years old artist born in Ljubljana, Slovenia. She studied marketing on Faculty of Economics in Ljubljana, and also did a semester abroad in Lille, France. She took a year off after finishing her bachelors degree and found an internship in Brasil, she spent there 3 months working, travelling and discovering life. After finishing her bachelers degree, she enroled in masters class studying International Business. At that time she bought herself her first oil paintings and started painting in her spare time in-between studying and working.

She always loved art and made artwork as a child, but never had the courage to enrole in an art school or college, that is why she decided to learn painting by herself in her 20s while discovering her passions in life. She started painting with oil painting which is still her favourite medium, but she is also know for her large-scaled wall paintings made with acrylics. V tem času so skupaj z družino prenavljali hišo v Ljubljani, tam je prišlo do ideje da bi popestrili sobe s stensko poslikavo. She has painted over 20 wall murals for businesses around Slovenia and made a few timelapse videos of her work that had been seen by lots of people. She also works with watercolours and every year, she makes special Christmas ornaments, painted with oils on wood.

Her prefered motif for painting is nature and everything connected with it, she takes photos of different scenes during her daily walks and travels. Neža paints through the technique of realism and photorealism, she attempts to represent the subject matter truthfully, withouth artificiality and avoiding supernatural elements. She sometimes plays with different colors and changes acording to her mood, but sticks to reproducing the image as realistically as possible in any medium. She loves getting lost in painting details based on a referenced photography, that is her way of losing herself in time and just relaxing.
She is thinking of loosening her brush strokes in the future and trying to create her personal painting style that will still have a realistic touch but more loose and unique. She is trying different techniques and learning each day, while cleaning her pallette she also makes abstract thick paintings with a pallette knife, which are also admired by her followers.
She loves learning every day and hopefully she will continue painting for the rest of her days in her studio alongside her beloved cat.
She had her first solo exhibition in march 2020 in her hometown Višnja Gora.

Other exhibitions:

  • Dom Starejših občanov Bežigrad Ljubljana
  • Knjižnica Dobrepolje
  • Knjižica Ivančna Gorica
  • Mala galerija v Ekonomski Fakulteti v Ljubljani
  • Kavarna Vila Teslova
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